Effects of 3g L-Citrulline and 3g L-Arginine Pre Workout Supplements To Boost Healthy Blood Flow & Muscle Growth!
January 22, 2025
Taking 3g of L-Citrulline and 3g of L-Arginine as a pre workout supplement may improve nitric oxide (NO) production in the body, and NO Nitric oxide helps you widen blood vessels, regulate blood vascular tone, may lower exercise-induced muscle soreness, improve blood flow, and muscle growth.
We often go out to the gym and push our limits, each drop of sweat, and every rep helps us achieve our fitness goals and visibly toned physique. Every rep, every set of high-energy cardio, and every lactate threshold strategically positioned our determination to push our boundaries and become the champion of the champion to be.
Your journey to peak athletic physique is not an easy one, but science-backed nutritional goals and balanced diets are the building blocks for your peak performance, they can enhance your exercise performance and training endurance.
The best dietary pre workout supplement giving you the most ergogenic effects is any training session.
Ergogenic aids may help train our body to meet aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, improve exercise efficiency, enhance exercise recovery, or assist in injury prevention during intense training.
Our bodies are made up of an incredibly complicated set of systems to fulfil basic functions for a sustained life. We have to act with fortitude. Our positive mindsets shall achieve physical fitness that keeps us committed to our fitness goals.
Suppose you are searching for optimal sports nutrition, which often helps you meet your hydration needs because your body loses fluids through sweat during strenuous physical workouts. It’s important to keep your body with enough hydration, only nutrition and enough hydration can replenish your body’s electrolyte gaps during intense workouts.
Many athletes turn to pre-workout supplements to compensate for their hydration needs and give extra thrust in energy boost.
The purported benefits of sports performance-enhancing pre workout formulas are to support strength, aid muscle recovery, prevent sports injuries, promote focus, and help in post-exercise muscle recovery.
Extreme eccentric resistance training can enhance overall jumping skills better than traditional exercise can, and may enhance linear sprinting intensity in soccer players and, obviously, speed strength.
The Science Behind Boost Energy Levels:
Extreme eccentric training such as pulling heavy loads and so high reps can induce mechanical stress that triggers during the exercise session, leading to exercise-induced muscle soreness that can cause low energy or early fatigue. But if you take pre workout supplement powder containing 3g of L-Citrulline and 3g of L-Arginine, it’s believed to protect skeletal muscle damage after intense eccentric exercise.
Several studies have proved that taking amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline are that has been said to be true to increase nitric oxide (NO) production in the human body and improve sports performance.
Daily taking of 6 g L-arginine with small amounts of essential Vitamins and minerals and BCAA intra workout supplements for consecutive three days has raised blood plasma ‘NO3- and NO2-‘.
Taking a dietary pre workout supplement powder containing 3g L-Citrulline, 3g L-Arginine, and Branched-chain amino acids, has reduced the oxygen needs in the body during moderate-to-intense exercise and boosted overall physical activity; improved mitochondrial oxidative capacity, decreased intravenous exercise-induced glycogenolysis and plasma lactate production; and acutely developed exercise tolerance during high-intensity training sessions.
A large single dose of 0.04 g/kg L-Arg consumed with BCAA lowered the mean perceived exertion scale and improved the sprinting intensity among well-trained handball players.
Ingesting amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline can promote nitric oxide (NO) production levels and improve blood flow in the body.
So, pre workout supplement powder has now become the most popular dietary supplement among athletes, believed to protect skeletal muscles from damage after acute eccentric exercise.
Oral supplementation of pre workout powder can boost nitric oxide synthesis in the body and N(gamma)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester is a compound in L-arginine that is a precursor to nitric oxide is a potent vasodilator, that helps dilation blood vessels and enhance blood flow.
These pre workout supplements are praised for their ergogenic results on performance boosting during exercise.
But, the good news is regular exercise can lead to decreased metabolic stress, lower glycogen depletion, and an increase in chronic pro-inflammatory cytokines.
One of the nonessential amino acids ‘L-citrulline’ is primarily found in watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris), (it is usually a colourless, and water-soluble α-amino acid) and origin from L-arginine, a substance that helps nitric oxide synthesis.
L-citrulline played a key role in nitric oxide (NO) synthase, thus helping in nitric oxide metabolism and regulation.
Several study shows that a daily dose of L-citrulline (250 mg/kg) for a week improved exercise performance in mice.
Daily supplementation of L-citrulline (5 g/kg/day) for a week also proved the ability to improve skeletal muscle function, by giving better muscle mass and motor skills.
Furthermore, regular ingest of L-citrulline (5 g/kg/day) also triggers higher protein synthesis and improved protein content in muscle (Osowska et al., 2006).
Push each of your limits, that’ll make you champions!
Each of your rigorous training sessions, every drop of sweat, and every sacrifice can help you pursue of goals.
Why not reclaim your time and energy through your gym sessions? Does something awaken you or propel your inspirations? If not, you need to tap your pre workout supplement powder for a blurting energy source.
Try Ultimate Vassomaxx Vasodilation Complex, 1 scoop of Vassomaxx Vasodilation Complex pre workout powder gives you 3g L-Citrulline and 3g L-Arginine. Mixed with 200ml normal water just before 5-10 minutes of your gym sessions.
The regular use of ergogenic aids pre workout powder may amplify your workout performance on the track, field, or in your gym sessions.